Friday, 12 March 2010

Tragedy of the Commons: The Self-Sufficiency Handbook - and a Few "Deep Thoughts"

Tragedy of the Commons: The Self-Sufficiency Handbook - and a Few "Deep Thoughts"

1 comment:

  1. Look for the positive things!

    What can be gained from growing veg, keeping animals, living off-grid etc?

    The obvious answer is healthy food, plenty of exercise, maybe opportunities to create/innovate if you are that way inclined and more time on your hands.

    The other thing it has to offer is improved well-being (happiness). Physically focused activities make you feel good and killing a chicken may sound gruesome (it is) but it reminds you of life and death (makes you feel alive). Chopping wood, open fires, the harvest etc are all rewarding and invigorating.

    It depends on how you measure quality of life.

    It cant do any harm to reduce consumption and pollution so why not give it a try?
