Thursday, 7 January 2010


Its freezing! The whole place is one big snow covered white-out - beautiful but icy and slippery underfoot. I went to feed the geese - so cold. The water supply is frozen solid. I had to bucket water to their trough - not easy. Gill is going through our apple store sorting them for eating and for giving to the geese. I see that there are fox tracks in the snow - easily recognised by the way that the tail drags to give a characteristic swish-swish mark. The geese should be laying in a few weeks time. We reckon to sell the eggs for about £1.10 each - say £6.00 half a doz. So... if each goose lays 50 eggs in a season, and we have 10 layers... 50 x 10 = 500... so 500 x £1.10 = say £500, less the price of their food... Not much money I know, but last year we swapped eggs for logs and for favours. Okay... thats it for now, got to go back to my desk. We are still thinking about the Photo Voltaic PV panels for lighting... perhaps we will have them linked to the lighting circuit. We have got to do our sums.


  1. Hi Alan & Gill. My goose has been dragged through the fence by a fox. Any ideas how I can keep the rest safe? Thanks.

  2. we have an electric fence powered by main supply and solar panels. To my way of thinking an electric fence is a must. The question you need to ask yourself is... how to power it? There are lots of options... see my next blog

  3. Anything like these from

  4. Hi, me again. My neighbour's chickens have all been killed except 1 - obviously a fox attack. My chickens are in an enclosed run - do I have any worries?
